Cancellation insurance

Ibérimo has chosen Belem's Seasonal Rentals insurance to cover your holidays!

Do you want to subscribe to cancellation insurance for your stay? It's very simple!

Examine in detail the services offered and discover all the coverage conditions. Note! Your Credit Card, if it covers certain risks during travel, does not protect you in the same way.

This document is a synthetic presentation of the main characteristics of the product. It does not take into account your specific needs and requests. You will find complete information on this product in the pre-contractual and contractual documentation.


This insurance is intended to cover the tenant of a property offered for seasonal rental, particularly in case of trip cancellation, subject to the conditions, limits, and exclusions of the Seasonal Rentals insurance contract.

Cancellation Guarantee

Reimbursement of penalties (deposit, down payments, or any other applicable penalty) up to a maximum limit of 25,000€ per canceled reservation contract and per claim following:

  • Serious illness (including quarantine of the Insured), serious bodily injury, death.
  • Serious material damage to the home or vehicle.
  • Economic dismissal or professional transfer.
  • Summons as a juror or for adoption.
  • General paralysis blocking any means of transport (land, rail, or air) to take possession of the rented property, pollution, natural disasters or forest fire, lack or excess of snow. The maximum amount indemnified by the insurer is limited to 200,000€ per event for all Insureds.

Arrival Delay or Trip Interruption Guarantee

Reimbursement of the non-consumed rental amount (maximum 25,000€) following:

  • Death, serious illness or serious accident of the insured, their spouse, a close relative, or a replacement in a liberal profession.
  • Serious material damage to the home, secondary residence, or business premises owned by the insured.
  • Trip interruption due to a ban on staying at the seasonal rental location due to pollution risks or following a natural disaster or forest fire. The maximum amount indemnified by the insurer is limited to 200,000€ per event for all Insureds.

Payment of a capital sum in case of accidental death or disability during the stay in a seasonal rental (maximum 10,000€).

Medical expenses outside the insured's home country (maximum 5000€).

Legal assistance (maximum 5000€).

Search and rescue costs (10,000€ per insured and 20,000€ per event).

Civil liability of the insured (maximum 1,500,000€).

Personal assistance: emergency medical transport, sending a doctor on site, repatriation to the insured's home, repatriation of the body in case of death, recovery and transport of the insured's vehicle.

The above guarantees are systematically included in the contract.
  • Cancellation or interruption for causes other than the guaranteed events listed in the general conditions.
  • The guarantee is not applicable when the rental cancellation is not complete.
  • Persons not having their tax residence in one of the member countries of the European Economic Area.
  • Damages caused or provoked intentionally by the insured.
  • Claims due to the insured's use of non-medically prescribed drugs or narcotics; related to suicide or attempted suicide or self-mutilation of the insured.
  • Hospitalization at the time of booking the stay.
  • Insured's illness requiring psychological or psychotherapeutic treatments, including nervous breakdowns resulting in hospitalization for less than 4 consecutive days.
  • Missed vaccination by an insured.
  • Failure to present, for any reason, essential travel documents, such as passport, visa, transportation tickets, vaccination certificate.
  • Insurer's indemnification is granted only if serious material damage occurs within 48 hours before the start date of the seasonal rental and occurs at the home, secondary residence, or professional premises.
  • Known facts or illness known before booking. Costs of prostheses, optical treatments, and dental care not resulting from an accident.
  • Other acts of the insured than those provided for in the contract. All expenses incurred due to the imposition of a law, regulation, or order from a public authority or government affecting your stay subject to seasonal rental (including, without limitation, border or airspace closures, lockdowns, and other travel restrictions).
  • Any claim that would result in a violation of UN resolutions or commercial or economic sanctions or other laws of the EU, France, the UK, or the USA.

The complete list of exclusions is available in the summary of the Group Contract No. FRBOTA15127 guarantees.

In France and in the European Economic Area.
The Medical Expenses and Legal Assistance guarantees only apply outside the country of residence.

Under penalty of suspension of guarantees, termination, or nullity of the contract.

At the beginning of my insurance contract:

  • Receive the information notice/particular conditions and take note of it.
  • Pay the premium.

During the life of my insurance contract:

  • Do not intentionally cause a guaranteed event.
  • You must take usual and reasonable measures to protect yourself against losses, damages, accidents, injuries, or illnesses.

In case of a claim:

  • The insured must not make false statements or omissions.
  • The insured must declare or notify all claims within 5 days following the occurrence of the claim, contact the Insurer by email at: or by mail: Cabinet de Belem - 1 Allée des Ecureuils, 33185 Le Haillan.
  • For the assistance benefits to apply, the Insured must necessarily and prior to any intervention engaging the guarantees of the contract, contact Chubb Assistance whose contact details are listed in the particular conditions.

All medical documents must be sent confidentially to the attention of the Medical Advisor.

  • The premium amount is stipulated in the particular conditions or on the reservation contract as well as the taxes, payable upon booking the seasonal rental in addition to the payment of the deposit or down payment.
  • The premium is paid to the subscriber.

Start and duration of the contract:

  • The cancellation guarantee is granted to the insured upon receipt of the first deposit or down payment by the agency.
  • The other guarantees are granted on the day and at the time when the insured takes possession of the seasonal rental.


  • The cancellation guarantee will end when the keys are handed over, on the first day of the seasonal rental.
  • The other guarantees will end at the end of the rental, upon the return of the keys at the end of the seasonal rental.

The commitment is firm and final, without the possibility of cancellation or withdrawal (L.112-2-1-11-3* of the insurance code).